It's hard to believe but the girls' second birthday is almost here. I've had their party planned for months already--is that weird? But even though the big day is a month and a half away the "terrible twos" are in full swing around here. My sweet angel Olivia, where, oh WHERE, did you go? Seriously, she throws fits left and right these days. When we finally take her off the potty 15 minutes (it seems) after she's done using it, when we get her down from the table looong after mealtime is over, when I don't let her get out every last piece of clothing to try on, etc. It's all really annoying, but what I really miss is being able to just put her in her crib at naptime and have her go right to sleep. Heck, sometimes she'd practically ask to go down for her nap, grabbing her doggie, walking to her crib saying "nap". Now when I put her in there she stands right up and starts screaming and crying. But only for a few minutes and then she goes to sleep. Sigh. I hope it's just a phase that will be over soon.
It's time once again for the Multiples and More Question of the Week: A Day in Your Life. What is your schedule like? Do you work outside the home or stay home with the kids? I am very blessed to be a SAHM. Our schedule looks something like this: The girls get up anywhere between 7:20 and 8:20, but usually around 8:00. Lately I've been letting them watch an episode of Dora so I can get on the computer and check email, Facebook, etc. Otherwise they just play for an hour or so and then we have breakfast. By the time we're done with breakfast (fixing, eating and cleaning up) it's usually between 9:30 and 10:00. We get dressed, and then we go wherever we're going that day (errands, park, playdate, etc.). If it's a stay home day, I'll usually do a DVD workout while they just play upstairs and then we'll go for a walk or play outside after. Lunch is anywhere between 12:00 and 1:00, and nap is 1:30 or 2:00 to 4:00 or 4:30. After their nap