Before I get into my goals for March, let's recap how I did with February's:
1. Lose 3 pounds. Well, I got the 3 pounds right, but instead of losing 3, I gained 3 (well, 2.8). But I've already re-lost 2.6 of that since Monday. I had fallen of the Intermittent Fasting wagon as of late as well as just any weight loss effort at all, but I finally got back on track this week.
2. Finish books #2 and #3 and read #4. Did this.
3. More exercise. I think I did a little more than usual, but still not as much as I'd like.
4. Purge and organize two more areas. I kind of forgot this was a goal for the month. I knew it was on my running project list, but forgot I had made this goal for February.
5. Get our new mirrors and curtains hung in the living and dining rooms. We got the living room curtains hung, but not the mirrors or the dining room curtains. On the list for this weekend.
Now on to March:
1. Lose 5 pounds. Like I said above, I've already lost 2.6 since the 1st so I'm well on my way, but what usually happens in any given month is I will lose 3 or 4 pounds by the middle of the month and gain most or all of it back by the end for a net loss of 0 or maybe 0.4.
2. Finish books #5 (audiobook) and #6 and read #7.
3. Post on this blog 10 times.
That's really about it. I still have the purging project to work on and some other things, but that's it for official goals.