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Showing posts from March, 2015


The girls turned 7 on February 28th.  We had their party at Mudhouse Pottery Painting.  It was really fun.  This was the first party that wasn't just at our house, so it was really easy.  I ordered a cake from someone I found on Facebook (that I later found out is the mom of a girl they know from school) and we just brought some pizzas, fruit, juice boxes and our paper products.   They had the table all set up with painting supplies and each girl got to choose which figurine to paint.  They all had a great time and Kayley and Olivia got a neat plate signed by all their friends.   Kayley in the middle Olivia 2nd from left The cake I found some zebra print gift bags at the party supply store to match the zebra-striped cake    

March Goals

(I actually published this on March 17th, but it says March 2nd because that the day I started it and saved a draft, I guess.)   Once again the month is half over before I've managed to get this posted, but here it is. As with January, I did horrible again with my February goals.  I managed to exercise 3 times (not counting the occasional set of crunches or pushups or climbing the stairs at work), but that is the only goal I met.  So on to March (and I'm blogging from my phone and can't figure out how to do bullet points):   Lose 4 pounds. Read 2 books. Exercise 6 times. Start watching House of Cards on Netflix. Have a date night (actually planning a daytime date for Paul's birthday on the 28th). Have smoother, calmer, less hectic mornings by doing more prep the night before and getting up a tad earlier.   I will say I am not off to a good start on most of these, but there's still time to redeem myself.