Yesterday the girls turned FOUR. Four. I can't believe it. We had their party on Saturday. Our camera battery died as I tried to snap the very first picture of the day, so I had to charge it for awhile and thus didn't get very many pics, but then again I never do anyway because I end up giving up after the umpteenth attempt to get them to either sit/stand still and/or look at the camera and/or smile normally. Kayley picked a Spongebob theme... and Olivia picked Tangled. I made this from scratch, and tried to do "hair" with yellow frosting. The kids' table Kayley posing with her BFF, Lindsay Playing Hungry Hungry Hippos, and driving the grown-ups nuts with the noise! Yesterday, Paul took the day off and we took them to lunch at a pizza buffet, then to their Dr. appointment, where they had 3 shots...on their birthday. In hindsight, I shouldn't have scheduled their appointment on their actual birthday, but I guess...
Former stay-at-home mom of twins in search of work/life balance (it doesn't exist).