Back in the mid-90s Elton John came out with a song called "Blessed". It refers to an as-yet-unconceived but much anticipated child. At the time I was about 26 or 27, single and very concerned for my own ability to marry and have children by, say, my early 30s, which at the time was my "deadline". I had recently moved to a new city and didn't know many people, and the people I did know were guys that I worked with (no girls to go out with to meet men). Years later I would discover several social clubs/organizations through which I would meet lots of people but at the time I didn't know of them and had a hard time meeting potential dates. The 50 or so extra pounds that I would eventually lose 35ish of probably didn't help, either. Anyway, while I did really enjoy being single, especially later when the above-mentioned people-meeting improvements were made, as the years ticked by I grew more and more worried that by the tim...
Former stay-at-home mom of twins in search of work/life balance (it doesn't exist).