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February Goals

I missed January, but one thing I want to do this year is set monthly goals and then review them at the end of the month to see how I did.  Just a few, not like multiple categories like some people do (work, home, spiritual, fitness, financial, etc.).

Some that I had for January were: lose a few pounds, read two books (I'll never understand how some people can read like 5 or 6 or more books in a month, especially if they work and/or have kids), work on my goal of reading most of the Bible in a year (and the rest next year), do some purging/organizing.

So here's how I did.  As of a few days ago I have lost 3 pounds.  Not great, but could be worse.  I finished a book that I was already half way through, and am almost half-way through book #2, and almost half-way through an audiobook (book #3).  Also, I have been keeping up with the Bible in a Year app and haven't missed a day yet.  So far I have read all of Genesis, most of Matthew, 19+ Psalms, 2 or 3 Proverbs and maybe half of Job.  I haven't done much as far as purging and organizing (the plan is to go through the entire house over the course of a few months, maybe all year to be more realistic and purge everything no longer wanted/needed/used and organize what's left).  I did the kitchen cabinet that contains all the spices and medicines and some baking stuff, and the girls have purged some of their stuff but that's about it so far.


After (of course, this was a few weeks ago
and it no longer looks like this.  Sigh...)

Now for February:
  • Lose 3 pounds
  • Finish books #2 and #3 and read #4
  • More exercise.  I've really struggled with getting back into a good exercise regimen ever since I went back to work, and that was almost 7 years ago!  I walk a lot, but I'm usually just walking the dog and don't really break a sweat.  Every now and then I'll jog a little (with the dog) but it's not enough to do any good (we don't get very far before she stops to go potty or sniff.  She has to sniff EVERYTHING!).
  • Purge and organize 2 more areas
  • Get our new mirrors and curtains hung in the living and dining rooms.  Our main living room wall has two small windows in the middle, and as part of our recent redecorating we now have two big mirrors, one for each side of the windows that we still need to hang.
That's really about it.  I want to keep it simple.  As we get into longer days and better weather, I want to do more hiking and day trips and things but for now that's it.


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