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2016 Resolutions

I always love the start of a new year.  I just love the newness and the opportunity to make a fresh start.  I have lots of ambitions, goals and ideas for this year.  First, my official 2016 New Year's Resolutions:
  •  Lose 20 pounds.  I want and need to lose more but a goal of 20 for the year is good.
  • Read 16 books.  I'm just not on of those people who can read 4 or 5 or 20 books in a month, and lately I hardly read at all so I'm just hoping to get back into reading somewhat regularly
  • Train for another 5K.  I really want to get back into running but now that I'm working full-time and evenings are filled with kid stuff and next-day prep, it's SO hard to find time but I really hope to figure out how to squeeze it in.  I just need to commit to going right after work twice a week, even though that means I won't get home until 7 or so, and then once on the weekend.
  • Drastically reduce my sugar intake.  I eat fairly healthy for most meals but I just eat way too much chocolate and candy.  And I want to start making my own salad dressing, spaghetti sauce, etc. (with what time I have NO idea...) because all the store-bought stuff has tons of added sugar.
  • Improve home organization.
  • Have more date nights.  Now that I'm working full-time and we can afford to a) go out and b) get a babysitter.
  • Go to more movies.
  • Get more massages.  Again, now that I can afford it.
  • Take more pictures.
  • Blog more.

Other things I want to do this year:
  • Go to one of those painting places.  I think that would be a really fun girls' night.
  • Move the girls into separate bedrooms.  Kayley always stays up way later than Olivia reading or just not able to sleep so I think it would be good to separate them.  As of today they want separate rooms anyway but every time I ask I get a different answer.  If they do end up staying in the same room we are going to get bunk beds.  The only reason we don't have them already is because we got their current beds for free from a friend of Paul's parents.
  • Paint the living and dining rooms.
