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Home Tours - Master Bedroom

I'm linking up with Kelly again for Everyday Real Life Home Tours, master bedroom edition.
I've done this same link up topic before, but since then we have got new bedding and rearranged the furniture a little.

 We got our bedroom set right  before we got married 10 years ago and I still love it.

It's actually much darker than it looks in this photo

 We switched places with the armoire and the tall dresser because we were trying to make room for a bookcase that we needed to move out of our loft.  Turns out we didn't need to but Paul really liked having the armoire in the corner.  And since we don't have a TV in it anymore it doesn't really need to be right in front of the bed, not that it needed to in the first place except that's where the cable hookup is.

That outlet by the door is where we charge all our devices every night :)

It used to look like this

 I am kind of sick of the red wall so we are going to paint it soon.  It's just one of those projects that we never find time for.

Here's a better picture of our bedding, we just have different throw pillows plus the big European pillows. 
Jennifer Lopez bedding at kohls. Really makes a room.:


Bekah said…
I love that little cove that your bed sits back in!!! :)
I am visiting from the blog hop and so excited to see this cozy bedroom. I am also super intrigued by your blog. I have always kept a foot in the door of work, but am officially re-launching my career soon--I am also a "former stay at home mom" (almost) with two girls!!! I look forward to reading about your adventures!
Scribbler said…
I am visiting from Kelly's Korner -- and I like what you have done in your bedroom. I really like the armoire in the corner, which is where I would love to put my own. Right now it still has a behemoth TV in it, which I hope to get rid of when we finally get rid of our ghastly carpet this Fall. So for now it is at the end of the bed like yours was.

Come see me sometime!
Debbie said…
Hi I am stopping over from Kelly's Korner. You have a beautiful bedroom. I must say I am partial to dark furniture, too! Take care!